Lobbs Cemetery

Lobb's Cemetery, aka Lobb's Run Cemetery, is a historic cemetery in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania and takes its name from Lobb's Run, a minor tributary of the Monongahela River, which flows by the entrance to the cemetery. It is located in Southwestern Pennsylvania near the Monongahela River valley, in Calamity Hollow, near the communities of Floreffe, West Elizabeth and Elrama.

The former Yohogania County Courthouse was once located close to this cemetery, and some of the rebels involved in the Whiskey Rebellion were buried in this cemetery around 1794. The site was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1992.

Information on grave markers is below. The alphabetized tabs indicate the first letter of a surname. Additional information may be found on Find a Grave or from one of the Society's archivists. To view the Society's collection, contact an activist at archive@westjeffersonhillshistoricalsociety.org for an appointment.

The directory below is a work in process. Names are being added on a regular basis alphabetically, so check back periodically for updates.

Abbreviations: AFH Abraham Funeral Home abt about/circa M/M Mr. & Mrs.
EH Elizabeth Herald
D/O daughter of nee maiden/birth name
DFH Drum Funeral Home
H/O husband of
WEN West Elizabeth News
S/O son of
W/O wife of