Purpose / Goals

The West Jefferson Hills Historical Society has widespread goals. Since its origin, the mission of this organization has been to discover, document, chronicle, and preserve the stories, sites, and artifacts of historical significance from  West Elizabeth, Jefferson Hills, and Pleasant Hills. 

The society works to accomplish this mission in a variety of ways including the following:

First, it maintains an historical WJHHS Archive located behind the Council Chambers at the Jefferson Hills Municipal Building. At this site, the historical society stores books, photographs, documents, art, and artifacts related to the history of the area under its jurisdiction. The WJHHS Archive & Research Committee members work to organize, inventory, and safely store these items. 

Second, Archive & Research Committee members help researchers who come to the Archive find family history and/or local history information they seek. 

Third, the Society uploads digital photographs and documents to its Forever.com digital storage account to make such items easily accessible to the public and to preserve them for future generations to enjoy. 

Fourth, the West Jefferson Hills Historical Society publishes a quarterly newsletter and produces local history books which chronicle the history of West Jefferson Hills and its surrounding area. The Society also creates an annual calendar using historic photographs of the area which is available to those who make a specified donation.

Fifth, the Society books and presents monthly programs to further disseminate information about local and general history to its members and to members of the community. 

Sixth, as much as it is able, the Society helps to repair, and with the help of Jefferson Hills Borough Public Works Department, maintain local historical sites such as the Lobbs Run Cemetery.